Page Generator is a wonderful tool for webmasters which generates search engine optimized pages in a few seconds allowing you to choose keywords and optimized text. The program is very small and intuitive, which will only take you a few minutes to understand. In the input section you have to add a word list file and a sentences file, which can be created with Notepad. The program comes with two examples for you to easily view how to create them. Then, you select the number of keywords you want to include and your favorite ones. In the output section, you choose the number of files to create and name files (with infix or with random letters). In the body section, you choose the number of sentences you want to add before and after your custom body and complete the custom body html code. Then you click on the generate button, and the program will automatically open the folder where you save the generated pages. As you can see, the program is very easy-to-use and in a few seconds you can have up to 9999 pages with a title and header, bold keywords, meta tags and description.